About Shockwave Medical

Settle for the status quo? Never. We energize physicians and patients around the world by consistently developing innovative technologies that improve standards of care. Our team is dedicated to finding ways to address unmet clinical needs with low-risk, intuitive and effective treatment options. From Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) to Coronary Sinus Reduction and beyond, our technologies — and our people — are making waves.

Driving the Pulse of Innovation: Breaking Barriers with Sound and More

At Shockwave, innovation is in our DNA. We’re constantly exploring ways to address unmet needs and improve treatment options for underserved patients suffering from cardiovascular disease. That’s why our investment in research and development continues to grow year after year, and now, as part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, we’re more excited than ever about what the future holds. We’ve already made some big waves, but we’re just getting started.

Chalk, Organic Eggs & Cadaver Legs: IVL's Journey from Idea to Reality

Chalk, Organic Eggs & Cadaver Legs

In 2009, a marketer, engineer and cardiologist came together to change the nature of interventional therapy for calcified cardiovascular disease. They envisioned a future in which lithotripsy, a trusted technology used to break kidney stones, could be adapted to crack calcified lesions in a safe and easy manner. What started out as a crazy idea has changed the standard of care for patients with cardiovascular disease around the globe.   

Shared Values Drive Our Success 

At Shockwave Medical, we’re committed to our values and make sure they drive everything we do. 

Accordion Section


Thinking Forward. Moving Ahead. 

Carbon Reduction Plan