Shockwave IVL for Pre-EVAR

There’s a safer way to prepare for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR): Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL), a proven option for affecting vessel compliance.

digital rendering of Shockwave L6 device and blue pulses from catheter
digital rendering of Shockwave L6 device and blue pulses from catheter

Change Compliance to Change the Game: IVL for Transfemoral EVAR & TEVAR

Need a calcium solution specific to iliac arteries? Shockwave IVL offers a unique mechanism of action (MOA) that safely and effectively modifies calcium at ultra-low pressures, treating calcium in high-risk iliac vessels and preserving the benefits of transfemoral access. In fact, clinical evidence has proven Shockwave IVL can preserve transfemoral access as a primary option and increase vessel compliance for safe delivery of large devices.1, 2 


1: E. Armstrong, LINC Scientific Sessions 2023
2: Di Mario C. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2019 Pre-TAVR   

Calcified Bilateral Iliacs: Changing Compliance for Large Bore Access

A 78-year-old female patient was referred for evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) associated with peripheral artery disease (PAD). A pre-procedural CT showed heavily calcified iliacs. Shockwave L6 9.0 mm was used in both iliacs to modify calcium, changing vessel compliance for successful graft delivery and good stent-to-vessel wall apposition.

Series of four images showing the treatment of heavily calcified iliac arteries with intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) prior to EVAR (endovascular aneurysm repair)

Tutorial: Change Compliance to Change The Game

In this three-episode tutorial series, Dr. Stefano Fazzini and Dr. Michel Bosiers provide an excellent overview on how Shockwave IVL removes the barriers of calcified hostile access and prepares treatment boundaries in EVAR and TEVAR procedures by changing vessel compliance, facilitating luminal gain and significantly reducing complications. 

  • youtube thumbnail of professional talking what can go wrong in IVL treatment
  • youtube thumbnail of professional talking about calcium location and measurements
  • youtube thumbnail of two professionals talking about IVL & TEVAR

Allow Safer EVAR Access in Patients with Severe Calcification 

  • Youtube Thumbnail of medical professional talking about EVAR and shockwave
  • Youtube Thumbnail of professionals talking about preoperative angiogram