Medical Education Offerings

Our comprehensive medical education offerings help healthcare providers like you gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of cardiovascular challenges and the role of Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL).

Committed to Medical Education

Shockwave Medical is committed to supporting healthcare professionals with comprehensive and diverse educational offerings.* Our educational portfolio is tailored to meet the specific training needs of various healthcare professionals who strive to provide best-in-class patient care.

Medical Education Offerings for Coronary Interventionalists

Accordion Section

Medical Education Offerings for Peripheral Interventionalists

Accordion Section

Medical Education Offerings for Fellows and Trainees

Accordion Section

Medical Education Offerings for Nurses and Technologists

Accordion Section

*Medical education offerings are country-specific. Please contact your local representative for more information.
**The Interventional Cardiology Fellows and Vascular Surgeon Trainees Textbook Program, National Super User Courses and CEU Program are only available in the U.S.

Meet Calcium Crush

Game on:
Calcium Crush

Our on-demand gamification of IVL allows players to virtually experience the Shockwave C2+ coronary IVL catheter in a range of calcium morphologies, all while learning best practices as it relates to pulse management and deliverability of IVL.

†Calcium Crush is not available in all countries, please contact your local sales representative for details.