Presenting as an eruptive calcium protrusion into the lumen, calcified nodules:
1: Kereiakes et al. Principles of Intravascular Lithotripsy for calcific plaque modification. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 14(12), 1275-1292. (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jcin.2021.03.036
2: Mori H, et al. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 Jan;11(1):127-142.
3: Torii S, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Apr 6;77(13):1599-1611.
4: Virmani R, et al. Arterioscler Thrombosis Vasc Biol. 2000;20:1262-1275.
5: Designed in Partnership with Optima and VP Education.
Within calcified nodules, there are two histological types:
Traditional treatment methods such as balloon and atherectomy therapies have limitations when treating the unique pathologies associated with calcific nodules. Shockwave IVL’s unique mechanism of action (MOA) allows it to overcome these challenges. The sonic pressure waves created during Shockwave IVL therapy create a localized energy field effect which travels through soft vascular tissue to provide circumferential modification of both superficial and deep calcium.
Lesion Effect | Balloon-Based Therapies | Atherectomy | Shockwave IVL |
Not dependent on hydrostatic force | – | + + | + + |
Selectively targets calcium | – | + + | + + |
Able to modify deep calcium | + | – | + + |
Independent of wire bias | + + | – | + + |
Independent of lumen size | + + | – | + + |
Very favorable: ++
Neutral: +
Not favorable: –
Morofuji T, et al. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Jan 1;97(1):10-19.
SPL 68507 Dispelling the Nodular Myths. Shockwave Medical 2023. Z. Ali TCT 2021.
Shockwave IVL acoustic shockwaves may affect calcium deep to the calcified nodules, allowing for concentric stent expansion in 77% of calcified nodular lesions.
*Large MSA ensure good clinical outcomes despite eccentric stent expansion
Moderated Poster, TCT 121: Intravascular Lithotripsy is Effective in the Treatment Calcified Nodules: Patient-level Pooled Analysis From the Disrupt CAD OCT Sub-studies, Ziad A. Ali, TCT 2021. Z. Ali et al JACC Int 2023.
Moderated Poster, TCT 121: Intravascular Lithotripsy is Effective in the Treatment Calcified Nodules: Patient-level Pooled Analysis From the Disrupt CAD OCT Sub-studies, Ziad A. Ali, TCT 2021. Z. Ali et al JACC Int 2023.
Moderated Poster, TCT 121: Intravascular Lithotripsy is Effective in the Treatment Calcified Nodules: Patient-level Pooled Analysis From the Disrupt CAD OCT Sub-studies, Ziad A. Ali, TCT 2021. Z. Ali et al JACC Int 2023.
Consistent minimal stent area and stent expansion post-Shockwave IVL and stenting despite the presence of nodular calcium.
Pooled data from DISRUPT CAD I-IV OCT sub-studies; MLA, minimum lumen area; MSA, minimum stent area; and MCS, maximum calcium site.
Ali Z.A. Patient-pooled analysis of DISRUPT CAD OCT sub-studies (Conference presentation). TCT 2021 Orlando, FL, USA.
*N=1 ST event at POD 22
Shlofmitz, R., (2023, Feb 25-28) The impact of calcified nodules on 2-year clinical outcomes. CRT Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
More data are needed on nodules in larger, real-world cohorts across all calcium arcs, and the role of combination therapy (i.e. atherectomy + Shockwave IVL) in order to determine the optimal nodular strategy.