Shock waves are created when the source of an acoustic wave is moving faster than the speed of sound within that medium. Regardless of the energy sources, shock waves are consistent in their construction. The acoustic field of shock waves are typically measured in water using a hydrophone, which converts pressure into an electrical signal.
The key characteristics of shock waves are:
In Shockwave IVL, four forces of energy work in tandem to create fractures in the calcium:
Shockwave IVLは独自の作用機序と簡便な操作方法から、石灰化治療に欠かせない治療オプションとして世界の国や地域で使用されています。Shockwave IVLの作用機序が表在性・深在性の石灰化を破砕するメカニズムについての動画をご覧ください。