Shockwave IVL

妥協することなく石灰化の課題に挑戦し続けます。 ShockwaveのIVLは、低リスクで効果的かつ直感的に操作できるプラットフォームを使った 独自の作用機序により、石灰化治療を簡便に進めていただけます。

Shockwave IVL device with generator and catheter

Shockwave IVL:腎結石に用いる破砕術の原理を応用



  1. Shockwave IVLカテーテルで石灰化病変をクロスします。
  2. IVLカテーテル内に配列されたエミッターから、電気的インパルスが電極に流れ、プラズマ放電が続くと、蒸気泡が球状に急速に膨張し、音圧波が生成されます。
  3. 音圧波は軟組織は損傷することなく通過し、固い組織(石灰化病変)にのみ選択的に作用します。


How Shockwave IVL works: Step one, catheter is placed against calcified blockage; Step two, sonic pressure waves are generated from emitters; Step three, IVL modified calcium through shock waves

Shock Waves Are the Basis for Lithotripsy

Graph depicting the standard lithotripsy waveform, showing pressure (MPa) on the vertical axis and time (microseconds, µs) on the horizontal axis


Shock waves are created when the source of an acoustic wave is moving faster than the speed of sound within that medium. Regardless of the energy sources, shock waves are consistent in their construction. The acoustic field of shock waves are typically measured in water using a hydrophone, which converts pressure into an electrical signal.

The key characteristics of shock waves are:

  • High amplitude compression phase with very short rise time and pressure width
  • Low amplitude negative pressure (tensile) phase

In Shockwave IVL, four forces of energy work in tandem to create fractures in the calcium:

  1. Compression: The approaching shock wave is refracted off the calcium while the forward pressure causes fragmentation
  2. Shearing: Occurs as the sound wave passes through the calcium
  3. Spallation: At the rear edge of the calcium, the shock wave is both transmitted and reflected, inducing tensile stress that pulls the calcium apart
  4. Squeezing: Occurs when the shock waves entering the calcium travel faster than the remaining wave propagating outside the calcium, resulting in multiplane and longitudinal fractures

Without measurable sonic output, it’s not IVL.


Four forces of energy work in tandem to create fractures in the calcium: compression, shearing, spallation and squeezing

Shockwave IVL

Shockwave IVLは独自の作用機序と簡便な操作方法から、石灰化治療に欠かせない治療オプションとして世界の国や地域で使用されています。Shockwave IVLの作用機序が表在性・深在性の石灰化を破砕するメカニズムについての動画をご覧ください。

Shockwave IVL Mechanism of Action (MOA) - Japanese Translation & Subtitles

Shockwave IVLの

Shockwave IVLの独自の作用機序が石灰化治療にどのように作用するかについて、ご覧

シンプルかつ直感的な IVLシステム

image of Shockwave IVL device with the IVL generator, IVL Connector cable, and IVL Catheter all labeled